Using Teigha BIM and COLLADA to Examine Autodesk® Revit® File Geometry

Neil Peterson

March 09, 2017

If you're new to working with Autodesk® Revit® files, looking at a file's geometry can be a good place to start. The file is actually a set of elements that correspond to BIM components such as walls or dimensions.

Each element has three parts:

  • ElementHeader – element’s basic data
  • Element – element-specific properties
  • GElement – geometry

In this article we are going to talk about the third part, GElement – an element’s geometry. A GElement contains a set of geometry nodes combined into groups, which represent the geometry used for different types of views. Most low-level geometry is stored as proprietary Boundary Representation (B-Rep) data.

The relationship between an element and its B-Rep geometry is often quite complex. One way to simplify the investigation of this data is to export the geometry to a well-documented open format such as COLLADA. Teigha’s COLLADA export module collects simplified geometry for 3D objects, lights and materials and exports it to a COLLADA .dae file. The resulting .dae file may be opened and rendered by a number of third-party viewers or by the OdaBimApp sample application included in Teigha BIM. You can export the geometry from an entire file using the active view, or export a single BIM element to facilitate the investigation of a particular object.

The COLLADA export module may also be used as a basis for designing a custom export to convert Autodesk Revit file geometry to a custom representation. A custom export module must implement the following interfaces:

  • OdGiGeometrySimplifier
  • OdGiBaseVectorizer
  • OdGsBaseMaterialVectorizer

The following is a list of key methods implemented in OdColladaOut, Teigha BIM’s COLLADA export sample application:

  • OdGiBaseVectorizer::doDraw – called for every element and for all objects inside an element.
  • OdGiBaseVectorizer::rasterImageDc/image/shape/text/mesh/shell – perform processing for specific entity types.
  • OdGiGeometrySimplifier::shellProc – adds all vertices of the shell to a container.
  • OdGiGeometrySimplifier::triangleOut – collects information about triangles on a shell and computes normals for vertices.
  • OdGsBaseMaterialVectorizer::fillMaterialCache – gets material parameters.
  • OdGiGeometrySimplifier::meshFaceOut, shellFaceOut – collects mappings of materials to triangles.

Implementing these methods in your custom classes gives you the opportunity to perform any necessary conversion to your custom data representation and provides a deeper understanding of the Autodesk Revit file content.

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