Create Dimensions in BimRv SDK

Artur Vakhramov

July 29, 2022

This article describes how to create dimension elements of the following types: angular, arc length, radial, diameter, aligned, and linear.

Angular Dimensions

To create an angular dimension, use an object of the OdBmAngularDim class, and then call the set() function to set the necessary parameters. For example:

static void createAngularDimension(OdBmDatabase* pDb, OdBmUserIO* pIO)
  OdGePoint3d ptCenterDefault(22.1240720089099, 2.90405468534166, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptCenter = pIO->getPoint("Enter center point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptCenterDefault);
  double fRadius = pIO->getReal("Enter radius:", OdEd::kInpDefault, 4.08137512304016);
  OdInt32 iViewHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter view id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 1839);
  OdInt32 iCurve1Handle = pIO->getInt("Enter first reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 2759);
  OdInt32 iCurve2Handle = pIO->getInt("Enter second reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 2870);
   OdBmGArcPtr pGArc = OdBmGArc::createObject();
  OdGeVector3d vecX = OdGeVector3d::kXAxis, vecY = OdGeVector3d::kYAxis;
  OdResult res = pGArc->set(ptCenter, vecX, vecY, fRadius, 0.0, Oda2PI);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Arc creation error"));
   OdBmAngularDimPtr pAngDim = OdBmAngularDim::createObject();
  OdBmObjectId angDimId = pDb->addElement(pAngDim);
   OdBmObjectId viewId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle));
  if (viewId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View id is null"));
   OdBmDBViewPtr pView = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle)).safeOpenObject();
  if (pView.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View open error"));
   OdBmObjectId curveElemId1 = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurve1Handle));
  if (curveElemId1.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("First reference is null"));
   OdBmObjectId curveElemId2 = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurve2Handle));
  if (curveElemId2.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Second reference is null"));
   OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomRef1 = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
  OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomRef2 = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
   res = pAngDim->set(pView, pGArc, pGeomRef1, pGeomRef2);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Angular dimension set error"));
   pIO->putString(OD_T("Angular dimension successfully created"));

Arc Length Dimensions

To create an arc length dimension, use an object of the OdBmArcLengthDim class, and then call the set() function to set the necessary parameters. For example:

static void createArcLengthDimension(OdBmDatabase* pDb, OdBmUserIO* pIO)
  OdGePoint3d ptCenterDefault(17.7604422726176, 14.1449565742308, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptCenter = pIO->getPoint("Enter center point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptCenterDefault);
  double fRadius = pIO->getReal("Enter radius:", OdEd::kInpDefault, 6.96388715532212);
  OdInt32 iViewHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter view id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 1839);
  OdInt32 iCurveHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 3499);
   OdBmGArcPtr pGArc = OdBmGArc::createObject();
  OdGeVector3d vecX = OdGeVector3d::kXAxis, vecY = OdGeVector3d::kYAxis;
  OdResult res = pGArc->set(ptCenter, vecX, vecY, fRadius, 0.0, Oda2PI);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Arc creation error"));
   OdBmArcLengthDimPtr pArcLengthDim = OdBmArcLengthDim::createObject();
  OdBmObjectId arcLengthDimId = pDb->addElement(pArcLengthDim);
   OdBmObjectId viewId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle));
  if (viewId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View id is null"));
   OdBmDBViewPtr pView = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle)).safeOpenObject();
  if (pView.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View open error"));
   OdBmObjectId curveElemId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurveHandle));
  if (curveElemId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Reference is null"));
   OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomCurveRef = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
  OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomRef1 = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
  pGeomRef1->set(curveElemId, 0L, 1L);
  OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomRef2 = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
  pGeomRef2->set(curveElemId, 0L, 0L);
   res = pArcLengthDim->set(pView, pGArc, pGeomCurveRef, pGeomRef1, pGeomRef2);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("ArcLength dimension set error"));
   pIO->putString(OD_T("ArcLength dimension successfully created"));

Radial Dimensions

To create a radial dimension, use an object of the OdBmRadialDim class, and then call the setRadialDimension() function to set the necessary parameters. For example:

static void createRadialDimension(OdBmDatabase* pDb, OdBmUserIO* pIO) 
  OdGePoint3d ptCenterDefault(-5.27049660828928, 12.3608082899518, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptCenter = pIO->getPoint("Enter center point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptCenterDefault);
  OdInt32 iViewHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter view id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 1839);
  OdInt32 iCurveHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 3334);
   OdBmRadialDimPtr pRadialDim = OdBmRadialDim::createObject();
  OdBmObjectId radialDimId = pDb->addElement(pRadialDim);
   OdBmObjectId viewId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle));
  if (viewId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View id is null"));
   OdBmDBViewPtr pView = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle)).safeOpenObject();
  if (pView.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View open error"));
   OdBmObjectId curveElemId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurveHandle));
  if (curveElemId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Reference is null"));
   OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomCurveRef = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
   OdResult res = pRadialDim->setRadialDimension(pView, pGeomCurveRef, ptCenter);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Radial dimension set error"));
   pIO->putString(OD_T("Radial dimension successfully created"));

Diameter Dimensions

To create a diameter dimension, use an object of the OdBmRadialDi class, and then call the setDiameterDimension() function to set the necessary parameters. For example:

static void createDiameterDimension(OdBmDatabase* pDb, OdBmUserIO* pIO) 
  OdGePoint3d ptCenterDefault(4.49545743186403, 10.2000307739949, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptCenter = pIO->getPoint("Enter center point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptCenterDefault);
  OdInt32 iViewHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter view id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 1839);
  OdInt32 iCurveHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 2706);
   OdBmRadialDimPtr pRadialDim = OdBmRadialDim::createObject();
  OdBmObjectId radialDimId = pDb->addElement(pRadialDim);
   OdBmObjectId viewId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle));
  if (viewId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View id is null"));
   OdBmDBViewPtr pView = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle)).safeOpenObject();
  if (pView.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View open error"));
   OdBmObjectId curveElemId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurveHandle));
  if (curveElemId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Reference is null"));
   OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomCurveRef = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
   OdResult res = pRadialDim->setDiameterDimension(pView, pGeomCurveRef, ptCenter);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Diameter dimension set error"));
   pIO->putString(OD_T("Diameter dimension successfully created"));

Linear and Aligned Dimensions

To create a linear dimension, use an object of the OdBmLinearDimString class, and then call the set() function to set the necessary parameters. For example:

static void createLinearDimension(OdBmDatabase* pDb, OdBmUserIO* pIO)
  OdGePoint3d ptStartDefault(-8.645793834855073, -7.795546120725747, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptEndDefault(10.899522456510667, -7.795546120725747, 0.0);
  OdGePoint3d ptStart = pIO->getPoint("Enter start point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptStartDefault);
  OdGePoint3d ptEnd = pIO->getPoint("Enter end point: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, &ptEndDefault);
  OdInt32 iViewHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter view id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault, 1839);
   OdBmGLinePtr pGLine = OdBmGLine::createObject();
  OdResult res = pGLine->set(ptStart, ptEnd);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Line creation error"));
   OdBmLinearDimStringPtr pLinearDimString = OdBmLinearDimString::createObject();
  OdBmObjectId linearDimId = pDb->addElement(pLinearDimString);
   OdBmObjectId viewId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle));
  if (viewId.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View id is null"));
   OdBmDBViewPtr pView = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iViewHandle)).safeOpenObject();
  if (pView.isNull())
    pIO->putError(OD_T("View open error"));
   OdInt32 numRefs = pIO->getInt("Enter number of references:", OdEd::kInpDefault, 3);
  OdBmGeomRefPtrArray arrGeomRefs; // 3580, 3957, 4054
  for (OdUInt32 i = 0; i < numRefs; i++) 
    OdInt32 iCurveHandle = pIO->getInt("Enter reference id: ", OdEd::kInpDefault);
    OdBmObjectId curveElemId = pDb->getObjectId(OdDbHandle(iCurveHandle));
    if (curveElemId.isNull())
      pIO->putError(OD_T("Reference is null"));
    OdBmGeomRefPtr pGeomRef = OdBmGeomRef::createObject();
   res = pLinearDimString->set(pView, pGLine, arrGeomRefs);
  if (eOk != res)
    pIO->putError(OD_T("Linear dimension set error"));
   pIO->putString(OD_T("Linear dimension successfully created"));

To see how to create an aligned dimension or a linear dimension with multiple references, see the BimRv\Examples\TB_DevGuideCommands\BmDocCreateDimensionCmd.cpp file.

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To see output of the example code, run the BmDocCreateDimensionCmd command in OdaBimApp.

To get more information please refer to ODA Documentation.