Vectorization modules questions

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How to rotate OdDbViewport entity? Or Is there any other way to make OdDbViewport rotate?

Viewport itself can't be rotated, but its contents can be using OdDbViewport::setTwistAngle()

Error: 2016 GL_ARB_Fragment_Shader extension not foun

Here we have 2 variants: either there is no video card (please check this and write, if there is one) or the work is performed in RDP (remote Desktop) mode. In that case please try to use Vectorization with another device (either GDI or OpenGL).

Pdf export has some difference in comparison with drawing in Layout, specialy transparence or 3D view use X Ray.

Export of shaded (rendered) views, which can be only exported using rendering GsDevice. The result in this mode can be different depending on using device, which should be created on Applictaion services side, not by PdfExport itself.

You can try to use GLES2 device for export such views - this device has the best functionality to draw non-simple geometry objects.

When I set a large scale of image while performing PNG export (Save Bitmap menu) part of image is filled with default color.

Try to use WinOpenGL or WinBitmap vectorizer device. There is some restriction of image resolution that can by generated by WinGLES2.

When using the OpenGL module to preview Windows prints (OnPrint ()), do I have to output bitmaps to devices created with createBitmapDevice like the OdaMfcApp sample?

OpenGL can draw directly into window context only, it is doesn't support any other device contexts (DC's). So, you can draw into printing or bitmap DC's only using raster image, generated by OpenGL vectorization module. If you will pass incompatible DC to OpenGL API it will generate error.

Are there any limits of the DirectX12 renderer compared to OpenGLES2?

Currently we are working on Metal renderer and DirectX12 renderer. The main difference is that OpenGLES2 can be used everywhere and DirectX can be used only on Windows platform. This is the main difference. DirectX is more modern than OpenGl so we expect that it will give more performance for rendering, when it will be developed.

How I can make "shaded" visual style do not display texture? I set visual style to "realistic" and "shaded" respectively by using "setVisualStyle" function,but, why "shaded" visual style still displayed texture on mine models?

  1. Check that you've using WinGLES2.txv vectorization module. Other vectorization modules doesn't support Visual Styles;
  2. Check that "UseVisualStyles" device property is set to "true";
  3. Check that you've call "setVisualStyle" method for right database viewport object.

How to export jpg when the Video card is disabled?

GDI and OpenGL vectorization modules also can be used to render in raster image without video card hardware.

Which vectorization modules can be used in ODA SDKs?

ODA Vectorization Modules:

WinBitmap - cross-platform vectorization module which use their own software geometry rendering methods to rasterize graphics. Doesn't support geometry caching, not fast, doesn't support shaded modes rendering.

WinGDI - invoke Windows GDI API to render geometry. Windows GDI render geometry using their own software methods. Typically this module used for printing on Windows operating system. Doesn't support shaded modes rendering.

WinOpenGL - cross-platform vectorization module which invokes OpenGL API for rendering geometry using hardware acceleration (available only if GPU drivers installes, elsewhere will render geometry by software methods). Require Opengl32.lib from Windows Platform SDK to link with.

WinDirectX - invoke DirectX libraries for rendering geometry using hardware acceleration. DirectX already available on Windows OS-es since Windows Vista (for older operating systems DirectX runtimes must be installed separately). WinDirectX module require DirectX 9.0 version or greater. Links with Direct3d.lib from Microsoft DirectX SDK.

How to render the embedded OLE bitmaps properly?

If you're using the static libraries configuration, you must also register OdOleItemHandler in the static module map:

#if !defined(_TOOLKIT_IN_DLL_) || defined(__MWERKS__)


  ODRX_DEFINE_STATIC_APPLICATION(OD_T("ModelerGeometry"),  ModelerModule)
  ODRX_DEFINE_STATIC_APPLICATION(OD_T("RxRasterServices"), ExRasterModule)
  ODRX_DEFINE_STATIC_APPLICATION(OD_T("RasterProcessor"),  OdRasterProcessingServicesImpl)
  ODRX_DEFINE_STATIC_APPLICATION(OD_T("OdOleItemHandler"), OdOleItemHandlerModuleImpl)


For a dynamic libraries configuration, OdOleItemHandler is loaded automatically if this .tx file is available in the program folder.

Can I use shaded rendering with WinBitmap vectorization?

The WinBitmap vectorization module doesn't support shaded rendering modes, only 2dOptimized, Wireframe and HiddenLine (if the "SoftwareHLR" device property is set to true). It is the same for the WinGDI vectorization module. Shaded rendering modes are supported by the WinOpenGL and WinDirectX vectorization modules.

Why does only WinGDI produce the correct output with small lines and dots while DirectX and OpenGL don't display them properly?

WinGDI is a 2D-vectorization device so small lines are visible; Silicon Graphics OpenGL® and Microsoft® DirectX® are 3D-vectorization devices, so small lines become invisible (it is a feature of OpenGL and DirectX APIs and can’t be changed). In Autodesk® AutoCAD® you can see a similar behavior: in 2DWireframe mode small lines are visible and in all 3D modes they look similar to ODA when using OpenGL and DirectX.

Do ODA Vectorizers support geometry caching?

All ODA vectorizers support geometry caching except WinBitmap.txv.

How can I impact the dimming of locked layers during rendering with the WinGDI device?

ODA supports dimming of locked layers and external references (xrefs). Graphics are dimmed using the current background color. You can control the percentage of dimming, or disable it, using the following system variables:

  • LAYLOCKFADECTL — Fades the objects on locked layers.
  • XDWGFADECTL — Dims the xref objects.